Part 6: Casting Spells

Hello everyone and welcome back to King's Quest III. We're down on the ground here at the start for a very important reason. Do you see that eagle that's flying by?

>get feather
It drops the other half of that flying spell we cast several updates ago. With that tail feather, we can now turn ourselves into an eagle as well. Anyway, that's the only new thing that happened. So join me now 3 minutes in the future...

Alright, so the vast majority of today's update is going to be dealing with casting more spells. We technically only need to cast one before Manannan returns around the 30 minute mark. But as you can see, we have 10 minutes free still. We made remarkably good time down below.
>get mandrake root

Alright, so this is the only spell we absolutely need to have cast before Manannan returns.

This is why Manannan was not happy to find Gwydion in possession of cat fur, and understandably so.
>put mandrake root powder in bowl
>put cat hair in bowl
>put two spoons of fish oil in bowl

There's narrator reactions to each step, but I'm only showing the interesting or pertinent ones.
>stir mixture with spoon

>put dough on table
>pat dough into cookie

>wave wand

Now that we're finished, let's rewind time a bit and try something stupid. By the way, this update is going to bloat our death counter.

>turn to page xxv
>eat cat hair

It's like a soothing balm. An infuriating, awful, terrible soothing balm.
And now it's time to rewind four updates.
>turn to page iv
>eat saffron

>get fish bone

Nothing like the smell of a cracker barrel on Friday.

Let's continue on and not dwell on the fact that somewhere Gordon Ramsay is having a conniption.
>turn to page ii
>eat feather

Amusing death aside, let's take a look at our recipe card.

You could also use the cat hair to cast this spell, but if you do it becomes impossible to finish the game. This spell is technically completely optional, as it only unlocks bonus dialogue and some optional points super late in the game.
>put small feather in bowl
>put dog fur in bowl
>put snake skin in bowl
>add spoonful of powdered fish bone
>add dew to bowl
mix with hands

>separate the mixture into two pieces
>put dough in ears

>wave wand

In an inventory full of asterisk items, the dough filled ears are actually one of the few safe items in the game. Also take note that salt, despite being a food additive likely found in Manannan's pantry, it's marked with an asterisk.

>get nightshade juice

>turn to page xiv
>eat bowl

So here's our next spell. We'll use this much later on, but I'm not 100% certain it's necessary. We get points for preparing it though, so why not?
>turn to page xiv
>grind acorns in mortar
>put acorn powder in bowl
>put nightshade juice in bowl
>stir mixture with spoon
>light brazier

>heat mixture on brazier

>spread mixture on table

>wave wand
>put sleep powder in pouch
It's incredibly important you type sleep powder. I don't want to recount how many times I died in my test run because I typed sleeping powder. The copy protection in this game being such a just-so process is why I have so many frustrations with it.

While we've got plenty of time to cast one last spell, for some reason here I decided that 5 minutes was going to cut it kind of close. So instead let's just head back up and hang out for a bit.

But first, allow me to show this death off again...

Anyway, let's cover our tracks.
>pull lever
>move books

>unlock cabinet

With our tracks mostly covered, all we have to do is slide our crap under the bed. But you know what? Casting all those spells is hungry-making work. That hair filled cookie is looking awfully tasty...
>eat cookie

So it looks like our cookie works! That's good news. So we'll just reload and...
>drop all
>get porridge

So we're just going to wait here for 4 minutes. See you all on the other side!

Oh! Something to show off...
>kick cat

>talk to cat

>kill cat

Anyway, now for real see you all at the 30 minute mark.

Surprisingly punctual for Manannan.

We'll just run in here to make this faster and...
>get cookie

So, when people say this game has a hard time limit, this is the reason why. Manannan has a strict schedule, where he will always assign you a chore at xx:00:00, check in on the chore at xx:03:00, and leave on a journey at xx:05:00. He'll return from his journey at xx:30:00, and will have to be fed by xx:33:00, I want to say. At xx:35:00, he'll take a 25 minute nap, and wake up at the top of the hour. At which point, the entire schedule repeats.
There are only four food items in the game. Three of them can be found in the kitchen at the start of the game, and we're carrying the fourth with us now, the porridge. So if you take as much time as possible, you had best know exactly what you're supposed to do after you feed Manannan at 2:30:00.
It is possible to stretch the game out to the 4:30:00 mark. But that also leaves you playing for a full hour in a dead man walking scenario. So functionally, the hard time limit for dealing with the wizard is 3:33:00.
The first part of the game has two goals, the first is to deal with Manannan. The second is to escape from Llewdor and go literally anywhere else. In the next few updates, we'll cover just what leaving Llewdor entails, but not one iota of it will matter if we don't deal with the wizard first. So...

So let's do it right, instead.
>put cookie in porridge

>give wizard porridge

I cut out 10 seconds of the wizard slowly eating in there.

Normally I'd transcribe the message, but this is one of those super important ones. We did it, guys.

NEXT TIME: As master of his own destiny, Gwydion does whatever the fuck he wants for the first time in his life.
List of Points
+2 - Tail Feather
+1 - Mandrake root essence
+10 - The world's most disgusting cookie
+1 - Powdered fish bone
+1 - Deadly nightshade
+10 - Patented sleep powder
+12 - We beat the wizard!
Total: 122/210
Register of Deaths
That was a-mew-sing
Gwydion sees all
The better to hear you with, my dear
Eternal slumber
Amused the cat
Meow meow meow meow
Pissed off the wizard. Again.